Annual performing arts festivals

Since its inception in 1990 the Sangam has organized and curated its own Performing Arts Festivals.

Kattaikkuttu performances are at the core of this unique rural cultural event. However, the program always features other theatrical, musical and dance performances that cut across the cultural and social boundaries that divide India’s rich traditional, classical, folk and contemporary performance arena. All Festival performances are free and accessible to rural, urban and international spectators.

Through its programming the Festival allows rural spectators to witness other performance genres that normally would be out of bounds for them. Similarly it allows urban theatre enthusiasts, research scholars and international guests to experience the vibrancy and richness of Kattaikkuttu. And equally important, it allows performers of different genres to see each other’s performances and establish novel contacts between forms backstage.

Recent festivals


10 Saturdays of Mahabharata performances

Our Upcoming Festival


10 Saturdays from 26 Oct to 28 Dec 2024

Entry free but we appreciate your donation and/or volunteering with us!

Interested in helping us organize the Festival and use it as a local fund raising campaign in support of our work? Please see our call for volunteers.